Reiki is an energy based therapy and method of personal development created by Dr. Mikao Usui. While traveling the world and studying various holistic therapy techniques, Dr. Usui noted the similarities of those that cultivated a meditative mindset. Looking to develop these techniques further, Dr. Usui and a small group ascended Kurayama mountain seventeen miles from Kyoto, Japan. During his time on Kurayama mountain, Usui trained his mind with the same meditation techniques used by many modern Reiki practitioners in order to connect to what he called Reiki, or universal lifeforce energy. In adapting his methods to fit a wider audience, Dr. Usui was dedicated to keeping his teachings free from aspects of religion and theology. Instead, the emphasis of his teachings were focused on established and effective forms of meditation and self-development. He did this by simplifying meditation practices, highlighting their effectiveness using evidence based methodology, as well as welcoming criticisms and peer review. He believed that these methods were for all human beings to share and was a pioneer in instruction that did not promote or exclude based on religious belief. Because of this, the use of Reiki has spread across practitioners of all religions. In accordance with his teachings, Reiki is not considered a religion but a form of meditation and a philosophy of self-development. We welcome you to participate in an established and modern wellness practice that has aided millions of people from all walks of life in their healing and self-development.